

hands full of words

some need to be approached slowly
picked up delicately with fingertips

others need speed and both hands
to wrap around and keep them contained

still others invite themselves
jumping up and down until chosen

some lie still, playing possum
until I look away
and then they twitch and nip
and leap to freedom

hands full of words
right now, loving best the ones that try
to slip between my fingers


inspired by a tweet by John Guzlowski “My poems are clumsy…”

stepping through

don’t let me know when you’re opening the door
close me in the dark, let me disappear
this time tomorrow I’ll know what to do

soon there’ll be nothing left of me
nothing left to release
who can I be now?

I don’t know who I am
here, there’s no music here
I’m lost in streams of sound

here, am I nowhere now?
everything has changed
it’s the beginning of nothing

the trees die standing
the night was always falling
I’m walking down

it’s nothing to me, nothing remains
I don’t stand in my own light
there will be no tomorrow

I’m stepping through the door
and the stars
look very different today

©arrangement-clairegriffin2017 (all text by DB)

Ever since the beginning of last year, I’ve been meaning to make a found poem using lyrics by David Bowie. So this year, I committed to getting it done. This poem is not what I expected – I was imagining something strange and wild and colourful – but I kept being drawn to these words. Natural enough I suppose, since I started this just a day or two after the anniversary of his passing.


Low – I think this was the first Bowie album I bought – quite possibly based on the cover alone. I thought he was just the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen. Then I worked backwards, buying everything I could find. I watched his music videos, and the movies he was in, and I marvelled at his ability to transform, to use costume and makeup and gesture to convey different personalities.
His work helped this shy, insecure 18 year old to recreate herself, and showed her how to use appearance as a tool to enter into the world. I’ve remembered that ever since, that transformation is possible, that our selves are fluid and we can present ourselves to the world in different guises.
And, that the confidence gained from that can then begin to re-work the inner self.
Thank you with all my heart – starman, bluebird, Mr Jones xxx

calendar 2017

At the end of December I was doing two things, looking for a calendar, and reviewing the photos I’d taken this year. That’s when the “a-ha” moment occurred.

So I went ahead and made myself a calendar – something to keep myself inspired and motivated – just in case I need it 😉


At the start of each month I’ll share the relevant page – here is January.

step forward into the new year
dance to the end of the song
write to the end of the page
easy like breathing and walking
setting one foot in front of the other

